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Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Why Choose Natural Childbirth?

Do you remember the old addage, "If you can't say something nice, then don't say anything at all"?  It is true.  Especially with a sensitive pregnant woman!!  I'll admit it, my hormones are making me a little cranky and I cry at the drop of a hat.  Commercials, songs, looks from strangers, a joke from my husband... they all bring on the tears right now.

The point is, please be sensitive and supportive of a mother's birth plan.  As a doula in training, I support all types of birth choices.  You want an epidural?  Yay for you!  You want a natural birth?  Yay for you!  I just want the mom and baby to be happy and healthy.  However mom plans to get there, is HER choice.

Now, the reason for my post has to do with insensitive comments.  Many of them coming from close family and friends.  I would like a natural birth for this baby.  There are many benefits of natural birth and if you do your research you will see why.  Unfortunately, I am a little scared of the unknown.  My son was birthed with an epidural, so a natural birth is a frightening.  It does not help my confidence when people try to talk me out of my plan.  Comments like, "You won't get a medal for enduring pain" or "Just get the epidural, you'll love it" are actually put downs.

I had an epidural and I did not LOVE it!  It did take away my pain, but I was strapped to a bed for over 2 days!  I don't care about a medal, I'm doing what's best for my child.  Maybe this is all for naught.  I might be induced again, but I want the chance.  I want the choice to labor in my own way and some support would be awesome.  Please and thanks!

While reading Dr. Robert Bradley's book, he compared the effects of an epidural on a newborn to a parent giving a 5 year old cocaine.  That comparison made me a little paranoid.  Okay, more than a little paranoid.  I want my baby to have the best start possible.  Babies that are born with an epidural are more likely to come out lethargic, with low blood pressure, erratic heart rate, or low oxygen.

I have 2 articles discussing the benefits of natural labor.  I will link them here incase you would like to educate yourself.

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